UoR Staff information

Mobility Agreements

All student study mobility arrangements (lasting a term or longer) should take place under the auspices of a valid bilateral agreement between institutions and must receive formal approval before an agreement with the partner institution can be entered into.

It is strongly recommended that departments / schools considering entering into a new student or staff agreement contact the Study Abroad Office (studyabroad@reading.ac.uk) in order to discuss your options and for clarification of the process to be followed.

All new mobility partnerships will need formal institutional approval to proceed.

1. Student exchange

UoR will send students abroad as well as receive students from partner institutions.

Proposals will usually be assessed by the Study Abroad Partnerships Committee, with applicants informed of the decision normally within 4-6 weeks of the submission date.

2. Fee-paying Study Abroad (incoming only)

UoR will receive fee-paying students from partner institutions where there is no intention of sending UoR students abroad on a reciprocal basis.

Proposals will usually be assessed by the Study Abroad Partnerships Committee, with department / schools informed of the decision normally within 4-6 weeks of the submission date.

3. Incoming fee-waiver partnerships

Schools wanting to receive non-fee paying study abroad students from an overseas institution but with no intention of sending UoR students abroad i.e. partnership has a wider strategic basis. 

Any such proposals will require a strong business case, and must be approved by the PVC International and the University of Reading Fees Sub-Group. Please email the Study Abroad Office (studyabroad@reading.ac.uk) for further information.

Study Abroad Coordinators (SACs)

The Study Abroad Coordinator (SAC) is the primary point of contact and person responsible for all incoming and outgoing student mobility activities taking place within their subject area.

As part of the role they are responsible for ensuring the successful promotion, administration, and dissemination of information of all mobility programmes and activities within that subject area. They also offer front line academic and pastoral support to students studying in their subject, as well as act as Academic Tutors to incoming students coming to Reading through exchange agreements studying in that subject area.

They should be consulted about any subject level exchange agreement proposal.

SAC Contacts

A list of Study Abroad Coordinators is available on our Outgoing Students page.

ECTS Credit System

ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) is the credit system for higher education used by universities in the European Higher Education Area, involving all countries engaged in the Bologna Process. The credit system aims to make study programmes easier to understand and compare.

Credits are assigned to modules based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of the particular course of study. A full-time workload for one year of undergraduate study is the equivalent of 60 ECTS. The simple conversion from ECTS to UK credits is 1 = 2.

Further information about ECTS can be found:

Documentation produced by the Study Abroad Office relating to incoming Study Abroad student’s placements at Reading (Erasmus+ or otherwise) will refer to ECTS as the standard default credit system. This includes Learning Agreements and Transcripts.

All module descriptions available from the Study Abroad website and online application will refer to the credit value of a given module in ECTS. The main University of Reading module description pages will refer to ECTS and UK credits.

Students who study abroad within Europe will be awarded ECTS as part of their transcript of studies.