Grade System

Undergraduate degree programmes are normally three or four years in duration and are normally divided into three or four Parts. Full-time undergraduate students are normally required to take 120 credits in each year of study, corresponding to a minimum of 1200 notional hours of study. Each module has a designated credit weight and level. The levels of module are as follows:

  • C – Certificate level
  • I – Intermediate level
  • H – Honours level
  • M – Master level

Part 1 does not contribute to the classification of the degree. Part 2, Part 3 and (where appropriate) Part 4 contribute in variable proportions to the classification of the degree, depending on the programme.

In the case of a student who has failed and been re-assessed in a module, the transcript shows the highest mark /grade achieved in those attempts.

Please note that 2 UK credits = 1 ECTS

Further information that might assist can be found at:

Grading system

The following degree classifications are awarded at the University of Reading:

  • 70-100%: First Class Honours
  • 60-69%: Second Class Honours, Division 1 (2:1)
  • 50-59%: Second Class Honours, Division 2 (2:2)
  • 40-49%: Third Class Honours
  • 0-39%: Fail
  • DNS: Deemed not to have sat due to exceptional circumstances

Module descriptions

You can access more information about the content of each module listed on the transcript (i.e. when taught, content, expected learning outcomes etc.) by visiting the course catalogue for the appropriate year when the mobility took place. Search by module code; once found click on the hyperlink in order to gain detailed information about the module. 

  • Please note that if students are not present for the full duration of a module (e.g. they are here for one term of a module taught over two terms) the credit value of the module is adjusted accordingly to represent the time spent studying the module. Therefore if the credit value on the Transcript differs to that on the module description, it is normally because the student was not present at Reading for the full academic year.  

If you have any questions please contact