It was not what I expected, but I loved it
It was not what I expected, but I loved it. I am Sik Kiu, a BBA (Law) & LLB student at The University of Hong Kong, and I chose the University of Reading as my exchange destination for half a year. To be honest, I picked it simply because it is not too far away from London and seemed to be accessible for further travel. I didn’t know what to envision before landing, doubting the adequacy of my preparation and missing my family from time to time. This trip is one of a lifetime, and I am very grateful that I made such a choice. Both the University of Reading and the town of Reading had so much to offer and enjoy.
You might wonder how much fun a student’s life could be with an ordinary schedule. Lectures, lunch break, back to accommodation and repeat. That is indeed my exchange life but with millions of tiny fun twists.
The courses were interesting, and I was fortunate to meet some excellent professors, engaging lectures and intriguing topics, particularly the Dark side of marketing. Growing up in Hong Kong, with the nickname “food paradise”, I was worried about being “hangry (Hungry + Angry)”. It turns out that I was a happy kiddo. I purchased the block meal plan under Clever Cuisine, and I loved it! Get there during a busy lunch session, and your food will be the freshest and hottest—friendly staff with many cuisine options. Vegetables, carbohydrates, meats, and desserts. They have everything! (lemon poppy seed shortbread biscuits are so yummy).

My accommodation was the Bridges Hall; both sunset and sunrises were stunning; while I was worried about the winter blues, the short daytime enabled me to watch nearly every sunrise when I first arrived in January. I made a friend in the flat, and we even had a mini hot pot along with ginger soup-based tangyuan as pudding in the pantry to celebrate the Lunar New Year.