Giulia’s Hints & Tips
Hello everyone! My name is Giulia, I currently study languages and literatures in Bologna (Italy) and I had the huge luck of being an Erasmus student at the University of Reading for one term.
To begin with, I would like to give you some practical information that you may find useful when choosing your Erasmus destination:
- The first thing worth mentioning is the organisation of this University: the Study Abroad Office team are extremely helpful; in fact they provided me with clear information throughout the whole experience and made everyone feel absolutely welcomed once in Reading.
- The campus is perfectly organised by providing anything you need, from basic needs (shops, canteens…) to whichever fun activity you are interested on earth.
Moreover, since I literally had the time of my life at the University of Reading, I strongly recommend the following:
- Taking part at welcome week activities. It is vital to find out more about the modules you might join because you can directly talk to the professors who are extremely kind. Additionally, it gives you the chance to discover all the societies on campus, whether you are into sports, activities, games, the list goes on.
- Joining as many societies as possible. As a case in point, what made the main difference in my Erasmus was joining the drama society as well as the volleyball team. This gave me the chance to soak up concretely the University atmosphere due to the many FUN activities organised. As far as the volleyball team is concerned, not only did we play a match almost every week, but we were also always busy with the socials. For instance, we went to play Laser Quest and out clubbing together.

- Enrolling in the modules for Erasmus students. I took up English for Study Abroad Students and Intercultural Competence and Communication: the former really helps you improve your English; the latter opens up your mind and teaches you how to wear someone else’s shoes.